/ notion templates

I’ve been using Notion for over 3 years. It is home to my ‘second brain’ where I keep track of literally everything. Download and use my templates, for free.

why do i need a
second brain?

Our first brains are great at processing information and generating ideas, but not great at storing them. We are overwhelmed with information - too much to handle - and this is where a second brain can help.

What is a
second brain?

A second brain is like a digital co-pilot for your first brain. It is a collection of apps that work together to help you get stuff done. That could include a digital calendar, task manager and note-taking app.

Why is note-taking so important?

Getting information out of your first brain and into your second brain is crucial. A note-taking app should be the first place you go. It should be easy to use and offer useful features to help you organise your notes too.

Why should you
use notion?

Notion is my favourite note-taking app because it’s free, flexible and powerful. I love using Notion databases to create useful workflows. The best part is you can download Notion templates so you don’t have to start from scratch.


/ notion template

To help you track and manage opportunities.


  • Action-oriented toggles

  • AI prompt help you write

  • Useful views to see your data

Useful for:

  • Students applying for courses

  • job seekers looking for work

  • researchers seeking grant funding.


/ notion template

Notion’s powerful database features make it a great app for setting goals. Goals give way to the projects you work on and guide how you spend your time/energy.

My Goals template enables you to set new goals, track the goals you’re working on and more.


/ notion templates

Notion’s database features can also be used to home your projects. Knowing each project is associated with a goal means you never waste your time.

My Projects template centralises all your projects in one place so you can prioritise your time, plan future projects and more.


/ notion templates

Notion’s database features continue to shine when you use it for managing tasks. Tasks can be associated with a project or exist on its own.

My Tasks template enables you to create new tasks quickly, manage your action items, plan for the future and more.


Building your second brain can quite the [worthwhile] undertaking and my templates come packed with features. If you have questions about getting started, or understanding how my templates work, please contact me.